Maxim Vorobyev
Personal & Professional Informations
Hi, my name Max! I live in Russia, Belgorod. I am programmer! Like sport, games but prefer to stay in home, or in small groups of people. Little introverted, but have nice jokes. Always has a plan on any situation.
Native speaker
Belgorod Technological State University
Programming of the computing devices and automated systems (230105)
Successfully completed 5 year education with degree Engineer
Work Expirience
PHP & ExtJS Developer
System of automated document flow. Programming on Javascript with ExtJS versions 1 - 6. And PHP with Memcached, Apache2, ActiveMQ, Solr and Firebird / PostgreSQL as DataSource. Have written many components for ExtJS: Timetracking chart, Gantt chart, custom grids and etc.
NodeJS & ExtJS Developer
Programming in Javascript in NodeJS ES6 syntax and ExtJS 5-6 on frontend
Technikal Skills
My technical skills description:
I have many expirence in transact SQL queries. All 5 years of institute programming on .NET Framework. Works 3 years on PHP, but it is simple language. Have expirence also in C++, JAVA, Haskel, Pacal, Assembly. Nowadays studing javascript and all actual frameworks such as React, Babel, Webpack. But Hate pure HTML and CSS (SASS / SCSS too but in bit less :)